Heather Sisal Rug | Styled by Crystal Bailey

Since launching in May 2021, Natural Rugs has been working the talented Crystal Bailey. We've loved seeing the creative ways she transforms spaces, no matter the challenge. 

With over 10 years in the interiors industry, Crystal Bailey is an experienced Interior Designer and Stylist. Crystal and her team love to ensure their client's space has soul, personality and "the feeling" - they won't stop until that feeling is inside of your space!

Recently, Crystal chose our new Heather sisal material for a custom round rug. "This rug is PERFECT for a home entrance, styled with a round console table or in a kids playroom because of its durability."

Crystal loves the unique style of Heather sisal "I love the different colours that are woven into the rug, including charcoal, which works well with most styles of interiors. The weave size also makes it durable and easy to clean, so you can use them in different areas of the home!"

When styling a round rug, Crystal suggests "You can use it in a living room to break up all the square edges too - just make sure you have a round coffee table in the centre and 2 x armchairs sitting on the rug to tie it into the space!"

Crystal also runs her own collection of interior design masterclasses, including a 12 week mentorship program empowering creative women to become financially independant, doing what they love and creating a life of their dreams.

Crystal's work has been seen in the Collective Hub, Adore Home Magazine, The Living Room and much more. 



Instagram: @crystalbaileystudio